Note from a PCAG Alum:
"I have been at Clemson University for the past four years, and will be graduating in May with a degree in computer science. This past summer I worked for a Greenville-based company name Website Pipeline, building e-commerce shopping websites for other companies. Website Pipeline has a very healthy product, environment, and philosophy of business, and I will start working full time there in the beginning of June. In between graduating and working, I will be traveling all over Germany with Justin Sealy, Josh Van Swol, and another friend, exploring castles and hill sides.
My time at Clemson has been full of good times and bad times. Thinking about it now, I can see the tremendous influence and help that Palmetto has been to me. This is what I am supposed to say, but it is really true. Because it is so small, Palmetto has this unique ability to force you to learn how to get along with many different kinds of people. You had better learn how to be friends with outgoing people, shy people, funny people, athletic people, sad people, and happy people. This is a rare opportunity, and very valuable. It taught me that truly, a city, a university, and the Church is built from many different kinds of people, and all these different kinds bring something valuable to the table. I have been able to carry this into my college days, and have made many friends that I would not have made without this.
Palmetto has also given me a solid foundation in terms of my faith. I've faced many challenges that I (foolishly) did not take seriously in high school. Incredibly intelligent professors who spin a powerful and unexpected case against the reasonableness of Christianity, intelligent friends who fall away from the faith and explain to me the many ways the Church hurt them, much tragedy and grief that causes me to question God's goodness, much distraction and busyness that causes me to forget what is really important, and so on. It has certainly been difficult. But through it all, I remembered lessons I learned from Dr. Fyock, Mr. Coker, and others that have been wonderful guides. The love, companionship, and commitment to the doctrines of the faith that I saw in the professors and administration in my time at Palmetto have served as remembrances of God's work on earth, and have influenced me to follow in those footsteps.
Though I wish I could be there now to celebrate the peculiar and lovable place that is Palmetto Christian, I am grateful that I was able to be there at all."